Yoga with Robin Lipsey


The online classes have remained buoyant since the beginning of the first lock down. Once we all got to grips with the tech side began to realize that, where we miss the social aspect of seeing each other and the lovely ambience of the Barn, the classes have delivered the same feelings of well being that we derived from the live classes.

With the first glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel I am now running an alfresco class on our front lawn on either Thursday or Friday mornings, depending on the weather. I run a class if the forecast is for temperature above 10 degrees, windspeeds below 15 mph and, of course, it is dry.

The daffodils are currently out and next week we look forward to the cherry trees in blossom. The view out to Port Meadow is always a joy.

We can't do anything about Covid restrictions. But we can at least, and importantly counter lock down with opening up our body and minds through our practice!

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